Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Baby Nursery

When you are expecting a baby, people always ask how you will decorate the proverbial nursery.  It may not be the first or biggest question to be asked, but it ranks pretty high up least in my experience.  I've been pondering this question because I've never had a baby nursery to "set up" for any of my 4 children.

With my first baby, we lived in a very small (and I mean one car garage small) apartment, with only one bedroom; ours.  So, she didn't have a room.  With baby number two, same deal.  I finally got to decorate a room for them when we moved into our new home.  Now I am just finally getting to decorate a room for baby number three, who is nearly two.  Because I am just finishing that project, I have been reflecting on not ever having a nursery to bring my children home to and I've come to some conclusions.

First, a baby doesn't really need a room...just a bed.  You don't send a baby to his/her room for any reason really.  Baby can usually sleep wherever his/her bed is placed, so it really doesn't matter.  Does a baby admire any pictures or curtains or furniture?  No.  Does a baby have likes and dislikes when it comes to a theme in a room?  No.  Will you use the baby's room for the first few weeks or months of his/her life?  Probably not.  So the conclusion is...a baby doesn't need a nursery...a mommy really does.

Now, if you are blessed enough to be able to decorate a baby nursery, that is wonderful!  I'm not begrudging you that pleasure.  I would have loved to be able to decorate 4 different nurseries for my children!  It is so much fun deciding what theme you will use, and colors and bedding and furniture.  It's a great sense of accomplishment when the room is "ready".  Please don't think I'm saying that having a nursery is in any way indulgent.  It's a wonderful thing to be in a place to decorate and prepare a place for your new baby.

But, in my case, not having a nursery to decorate almost made me feel like I wasn't adequately preparing for my babies.  I've since learned that none of my children care, or will even remember where they slept or spent time for the first year or so of their lives.  So, if you have a nursery, or if you are preparing a nursery, count your blessings in being able to do so.  If you don't have a nursery, know that your babies will love you just the same, and you have one less room to keep clean.

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